Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mid Life Crisis

What happened when Jon hit 30?

Hint #1

Hint #2
Hint #3

Hint #4


and LOVED every minute.

I gave Jon a gift card for sky diving two years ago and he finally cashed it in.  I guess he had to hit his mid life crisis before he could finally do it.  We drove up to Boise on Friday night and spent the night in a hotel.  On the way there the kids asked a lot of questions...
Krayden:  "Dad, are you going to turn into a rocket?"
"Dad can I jump out of an air plane too?"
"Oh, when I'm big like you I can jump out of the air plane too, huh Dad?"
"Why are you going to jump out of an air plane?"

Kynlee: "Mom are you going to jump out of an air plane too?" (No I'm not Crazy)
"Dad are you going to die? It's really far down?"
"When I'm eighteen can you take me to jump out of an air plane too Dad?"

Needless to say the whole experience led us to some interesting conversation.

Here he is after watching a video stating that he could die or be seriously injured and signing the form stating that if he did die or get hurt that he or his heirs could not sue the company.  And then he got five minutes of instruction on what he was about to do.  They took him up to 10,000 feet in an cessna 182.  (At this point I really couldn't believe that he was really going to do it. I mean his dad owns that same kind of plane and to think of jumping out of it is a little scary.)
Once the plane took off the manager guy said lets go we have about five minutes to get to the landing sight if you want to see him jump.  So off we went.
Just aim for the flag
And here we all are after he safely returned to the ground. 

I wonder what will happen when he turns 40?

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