My little Trevin Dude,
You turn one today and I can hardly believe that you have blessed my life for a whole year. You are an amazing baby...you rarely cry (really only when Krayden takes his frustrations out on you), you are quick to smile and give loves. You are a true JOY.
You are by far my busiest baby. You have mastered going up the stairs, coming down not so much. Actually when you come down you do somersaults the WHOLE way down. Yep you have fallen from the top of the top to the bottom of the bottom. I was in doing the dishes and thought the gate was up. I was wrong and reached you a tad to late. You were so brave you cried until I picked you up and then you just laid on my shoulder. You climb on everything, empty every cupboard, re-organize every drawer, turn the hot water on in my bathtub and you never stop moving until you are ready for bed. But when you are ready for your bed that is what you want. I want to rock you, you want your blanket and your bed. It makes it easy for putting you to bed if we are home but you taking your nap at church you want nothing to do with that.
You had four teeth until about 3 days ago when you decided to get two more, so on your 1st birthday you have 6 teeth. I was wondering when those pearly whites were going to make an appearance. I am not used to having a baby without teeth, Kynlee and Krayden had a mouth full of teeth and could pretty much eat anything. You little man I still have to mash and mash your food so you can eat. You do like pancakes, waffles and I think your all time favorite is a grilled cheese sandwich. We had pancakes for your birthday dinner and you loved every bite.
Trevin you make my heart sing. I am so happy the Lord allows me to be your mother and you to be my son. I love you so much and I hope with all my heart you know and feel that. I hope that I can teach you of the gospel and it's teachings so you can gain a testimony of your own. You have brought so much joy into our home it's indescribable. I love you baby boy!!
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