Where to begin? I was schduled to be started on Nov 12 and was supposed to call at 7:00 that morning....I wake up around 2:30 with "pains" I have had similar pains throughout the last part of my pregnancy so I thought nothing of them. I just laid in bed waiting for them go away. After ten minutes I fell back asleep until about 3:00 when the pain woke me up again but this time a lot stronger. I get up and walk around to see if that would help, nope, so I lay back down, that made it worse so I get up again. Jon is now awake since I can't hold still and I keep saying "oh my gosh this really hurts" it's now around 4:30 I keep telling myself just to hold on I am supposed to have this baby anyways today. After 20 more minutes of intense pain Jon calls Jeremy and he comes over to stay with the kids (Judy is schduled to arrive at 7:00 just in case that is my call in time) I didn't want to wake them up so I was trying my hardest to wait until Judy got there but the pain won. It was really weird with my other two kids the contractions would happen then they would ease up and I could catch my breath with this one the pain was constant and then would just get worse. We made it to the hospital in record time. They checked me in and got me all set up and I got my drugs and was able to rest for awhile. Once I had the medication it went pretty easy. I was able to labor by myself and was not givin any pit which was nice. At 1:02 that afternoon our "little guy" was born.

I loved how he was bathed right in my room
Krayden watching football. He would get mad if we changed the station.
That's my boy.

I love the pictures!! If you ever come to Houston to visit your aunt let me know!!! I would love to get together!
hey, your kids are so cute! it was great to find you on the SVHS blog! your mom was in my ward a few years ago, remember! it has been forever since i've seen ya!
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