Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Just Counting all my blessings
I have so many things to be thankful for and this time of the year give me time to reflect on all the great blessings the Lord has blessed me with. I have a wonderful husband who does the dishes and the laundry, puts the kids to bed when I am super tired and feeding the baby, who thinks about me and the kids first before himself, who has hobbies that make him happy and he lets the kids help with them, who works really hard so that I am able to stay home with my children. I have three wonderful children who bring happiness, joy, laughter and the spirit into my home everyday. Kynlee is so tender, she is the best big sister any little brother could ask for. She cries when they cry, she hurts when they hurt and best of all she plays so well with Krayden. Right now she is reading him a book and now it sounds like they are going to go play babies. That is their new game, they both get binkies (I don't know if I should encourage that but it is so funny) and play that they are babies or some times kynlee is the mom and then they switch and Krayden becomes the "mom". We all have good health, a house to live in, cars to get us where we need to go, clothes to wear, food to eat and we are surrounded by people that care for us and those that we care for. We have family close to help us when we need it, we have family far that are willing to help us when we need it. Prayers have been answered and we are working on our food storage. I have the gospel in my life and the knowledge of the plan of salvation and the atonement. Parents who taught me the gospel and how to gain a testimony of my own. Even though they are now divorced I know that they still both love me, Jon and my kids and they would do anything for me. I am thankful the Lord gives me serveral chances to work on patience in a day. And now I can be thankful that Kynlee can put Krayden's diaper on and get them out of the tub. She just came in and said "we are all done and I dried off Krayden and put his diaper on." He just came in and it looks pretty good.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
More of the "Little Guy"
Where to begin? I was schduled to be started on Nov 12 and was supposed to call at 7:00 that morning....I wake up around 2:30 with "pains" I have had similar pains throughout the last part of my pregnancy so I thought nothing of them. I just laid in bed waiting for them go away. After ten minutes I fell back asleep until about 3:00 when the pain woke me up again but this time a lot stronger. I get up and walk around to see if that would help, nope, so I lay back down, that made it worse so I get up again. Jon is now awake since I can't hold still and I keep saying "oh my gosh this really hurts" it's now around 4:30 I keep telling myself just to hold on I am supposed to have this baby anyways today. After 20 more minutes of intense pain Jon calls Jeremy and he comes over to stay with the kids (Judy is schduled to arrive at 7:00 just in case that is my call in time) I didn't want to wake them up so I was trying my hardest to wait until Judy got there but the pain won. It was really weird with my other two kids the contractions would happen then they would ease up and I could catch my breath with this one the pain was constant and then would just get worse. We made it to the hospital in record time. They checked me in and got me all set up and I got my drugs and was able to rest for awhile. Once I had the medication it went pretty easy. I was able to labor by myself and was not givin any pit which was nice. At 1:02 that afternoon our "little guy" was born.

I loved how he was bathed right in my room
Krayden watching football. He would get mad if we changed the station.
That's my boy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
(Kynlee got to name this baby and this is what she came up)
Weighing in at 8lbs 15 oz
21 inches long
I will post more of the happenings of the day and more pictures but I forgot the power cord and the hospital connection is kind of slow so I will have my mom bring the cord.
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