Have any of you ever read the children's book, "5 minutes Peace" Well that is how my life is right now. I have tried to write this post for the last three days. I would give anything for just five minutes of peace. I have a permanent attachment and his name is Krayden (and sometimes Kynlee). I can't leave the room without him following me. I go to the bathroom and he stands outside the door and cries. I get in the shower and all of a sudden both kids are in there with me. (it's a good thing we have a huge shower) I start to fold the laundry and he is in my lap unfolding everything. I try to get him a snack and I end of dragging him on the kitchen floor because he won't let go of my leg. Right now he wants to sit on my lap as I type this. I guess it's a good thing that he is cute, or I don't know if I could handle it. At least I know that when I say I love you Kray boy he says I love you too I guess that makes it all worth it. I just thought he would out grow this stage by now. But as it stands today we have a little mamma's boy. Love you Kray Boy.
Oh great, it goes on forever?! Pearl is just like that. Maybe he senses a new brother coming soon and wants to get as much of you to himself as he can. I'll have to get that book because I too just want five minutes of PEACE!
Oh man I know exactly how you feel. I am so tired of putting all three of my children to bed by myself! Thank the heavens that PVP is almost over! Just wait its going to get harder with your third! :)
I can relate! I have an extra limb too named Elliot. I wonder if they will ever grow out of it.
I can relate! I have an extra limb too named Elliot. I wonder if they will ever grow out of it.
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