One year ago today our sister, aunt and friend passed away. It's weird that time has passed as it has, if that makes any sense. At times it seems just like yesterday that she was here making us laugh and loving our children, and at others it seems so far away. Kynlee still thinks of her daily and every night points outs "jo jo's star", we pass any cemetery and she makes the comment that jo jo's body is in the grass but her spirit is in heaven with Jesus and when Jesus comes again Jo Jo will wake up and we will see her again. Last night we went to see her grave and I know that is not really her but at the same time sadness washed over me to know that I have to wait to see her again. I know that I should feel grateful for the knowledge that I have that I will see her again but I am just really impatient. This summer was weird not having her around, she normally was here for around a month and we did so many fun things with her. She brings comfort to our family daily. A couple of months ago we were sitting on the front porch and it was dark. I had a conversation with Kynlee about Jo Jo's star....
Kynlee....Mom which star is Jo Jo's?
Me.....Which start do you think it is?
She points to the highest and brightest star in the sky.
Me.....I think you're right, look how bright it is. She is Happy.
Kynlee is quiet for a minute and I start talking to Krayden
Kynlee.....Mom shhh she's talking to me.
I sit there for a minute, and then Kynlee starts playing again
Me....Jo Jo was talking to you?
Me.....well what did she say?
Kynlee......she says "I love you Kynlee"
and that was all.
I hope that I can live my life like Jo, Kynlee knows that she was loved by her. Even though we miss her everyday we know that she is happy and is watching over us. I am so blessed to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It brings so may blessings and is a comfort