Monday, May 24, 2010

Building huts...DAD STYLE

This is the mess of all messes the hut of all huts.  Let me just tell what this hut consists of.  11 blankets, all the kitchen table chairs but one, one couch, and 5 heavy duty clamps.  Forget the the clothes pins folks we need wood working clamps.  And the final thing used is

FUN!!!  The kids had a blast and mom even got to play a role.  I allowed the kids to sleep in this "hotel" on a SCHOOL night times 2.  And I allowed it to stay in my front room for two nights and three days.  Remember how this thing was constructed?  I needed my kitchen table chairs back.  

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Give me a kiss

Oh my word, I am 100% smitten.  With those blue eyes and that pucker he gets me everytime.  Every night the whole family gets one of these.  He won't leave anyone out and he won't break the pucker until everyone has had the "kiss."

Keep those kisses coming baby boy!!!