Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Kynlee Babe
My Dearest Kynlee,
You are such a big girl now... I know because you keep telling me once you get to be five how much bigger you will be. You can run faster, jump higher and reach more things. You have brought so much love into my life. When I think back time really starts for me the day you were born. You gave me a whole new outlook on life...I was now responsible for yours. At times I wondered if I would be a good mom. I of course had a very good example of what a mom should be. You are named after both of them, Nana and Nana Great. You share the same middle name as both of them. They are very special to me and hope they become special to you to.
I think I spoiled you too much when you were a baby. You were rocked and sang to every night. I can't sing but that didn't matter to you, you loved it anyways. And things, my sweet girl, haven't changed. You are too big to be rocked (but would if you could). I still have to lay by your bed and sing you songs. Your favorite ones are "I Am a Child of God" and "I Know My Father Lives" I love that those are your favorite and I hope that as you grow older you will remember those two truths, that you are a child of God and that our Father lives.
You can make friends anywhere and everywhere. We go to the park and before I know it you are off playing with "friends". You are an example to me, I try to be more like you and put my guard down. I try to make friends as easily as you. I work on it everyday. You make me so happy that you have so many friends and that you take Krayden along with you EVERYWHERE you go. You are the best big sister ever. Not very many sisters want their little brothers tagging along, but you make it clear if your friends want to play with you then Krayden comes to. Trevin smiles at you when you walk into the room, you make him so happy.
I couldn't have asked for better big sister than you. Krayden and soon Trevin will look up to you and you are the best example ever.
I love you so much Kynlee Babe and look forward to more songs with you tonight.
I hope you have a great day, you just turned 5 and I can't believe it.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kynlee Loves Everything About

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday Night Movie Night and...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Kynlee's VIP
Kynlee was the VIP in her pre-school and loved every minute of it. She wore the crown for the next two days. She helped my make her poster all the while she kept saying "mom i'm so cute, huh?" With every picture we added. Her teacher wasn't there so Kynlee made me bring the poster back the next time so she could see it.
Kynlee Babe you are a VIP in our family. You make it so fun, you are always wanting to play games, color, watch movies. You hate to hold still, you always want to be on the move. You pray for energy for you to be able to run and have fun friends, I promise your prayers are answered.
Love ya tons
Monday, June 8, 2009
Becky, Nana and Papa Great Come for A Visit
We had such a fun time when Nana and Papa Great and Becky came for visit. Chad and Katie blessed their baby so they came from Texas. Kynlee could always be found sitting right next to one of them. I think she can feel how special each one of them are.
We love you guys (y'all) and wish you lived closer
Monday, June 1, 2009
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