Krayden would have stayed on the tractor the whole time if we would have let him.
October was so much fun. We had a great time getting ready for Halloween and the baby. We went to the pumpkin patch with Hill and Jer, and Grandma and Grandpa to pick our pumpkins for Family Home Evening. It was great fun but oh so cold. Krayden tried to have fun but in the end was ready for the warm car. I really don't think the cold bothered Kynlee she was running around and having a blast.
We had a Halloween Party and Hill and Jer's. The costumes are displayed below. We had a fun time and love living so close to them.
Kynlee didn't care it was so cold. She just wanted her picuture taken. So cute.
It was just a litte cold or maybe you could call it FREEZING!!!
The whole lot of us.
Such a good dad. He helped the kids paint pumpkins and they turned out so CUTE
We made "Mr. and Mrs. Bones" for Family Home Evening. The kids loved them.
Kynlee wanted to be the princess and a mermaid. (When do they grow out of loving Princessess so much)
Krayden LOVES airplanes so we made him Pilot
Jon in is scouting gear. He was the life of the party!! I know I have the cutest husband around