My brother found this photographer in his ward and he is EXCELLENT!! He took like 400 pictures and to choose which ones we wanted took forever, there were so many cute ones. The kids were good and Kynlee loved every minute of it. With all the attention on her she was in heaven. She would run from place to place and stop, pose, say cheese, then ask if that is cute or not. Krayden on the other hand was a good boy but we could not get a smile out of that kid. His attitude was I will be good and you can take my picture but I am not going to smile. Notice they both have bandaids on in some of the shots I was going to have the guy remove them but I talked to a lot of people and they were like it's kids being kids. So I decided to leave them. I think Kynlee had the really boo boo and Kray just wanted a bandaid. The pictures were taken at Gardner Villiage, there were so many cute places around there.