BOY. Well 95% boy. The lady doing the ultra sound said it was a pretty good picture but she has seen better. So we are going with boy for another 4 weeks (yes 4 weeks) until I get another ultra sound just to make sure. I get back from the doctor and Kynlee says "so what is the baby?" I told her it might be a boy ( I wanted to let her down easy) she started crying and told us that she already had one of those and that she needed a girl because she didn't have sister. I kept telling her that it was still going to be fun to have a new baby and brothers can be just as fun. After awhile she forgot all about it but people keep asking so it brings it up again, I say we think it's a boy and Kynlee says "I think it's a girl" I think I will take her to the next ultra sound so she can be there when we determine for sure. But when I look at the picture i see pretty much boy but I guess we see. We couldn't be more excited to add another little boy to our family. They are full of so much fun and energy that's its hard to keep up.
Krayden just learned how to punch out of the blue. He puts his hand in a fist and pulls back his a little arm then lets loose. If you aren't ready it can kind of hurt. His favorite target is someone his own size which happens to be Kynlee most of the time. The other day she got one right in the nose. He thinks he is so big. Maybe one of the time outs will get through to him that we don't hit.
Krayden just learned how to punch out of the blue. He puts his hand in a fist and pulls back his a little arm then lets loose. If you aren't ready it can kind of hurt. His favorite target is someone his own size which happens to be Kynlee most of the time. The other day she got one right in the nose. He thinks he is so big. Maybe one of the time outs will get through to him that we don't hit.