Wednesday, June 25, 2008

IT'S A ...

BOY. Well 95% boy. The lady doing the ultra sound said it was a pretty good picture but she has seen better. So we are going with boy for another 4 weeks (yes 4 weeks) until I get another ultra sound just to make sure. I get back from the doctor and Kynlee says "so what is the baby?" I told her it might be a boy ( I wanted to let her down easy) she started crying and told us that she already had one of those and that she needed a girl because she didn't have sister. I kept telling her that it was still going to be fun to have a new baby and brothers can be just as fun. After awhile she forgot all about it but people keep asking so it brings it up again, I say we think it's a boy and Kynlee says "I think it's a girl" I think I will take her to the next ultra sound so she can be there when we determine for sure. But when I look at the picture i see pretty much boy but I guess we see. We couldn't be more excited to add another little boy to our family. They are full of so much fun and energy that's its hard to keep up.

Krayden just learned how to punch out of the blue. He puts his hand in a fist and pulls back his a little arm then lets loose. If you aren't ready it can kind of hurt. His favorite target is someone his own size which happens to be Kynlee most of the time. The other day she got one right in the nose. He thinks he is so big. Maybe one of the time outs will get through to him that we don't hit.

Monday, June 23, 2008

"I'm not LITTLE. I'm BIG!!!!"

Kynlee turned 4!! I can't believe that I have a 4 year old. Time flies by so quickly. I always you are my favorite little Kynlee and I get the reply I'm not little, I'm big!!

What is a party without a pinata? She wanted a ballerina party so her cake had ballerinas on it but I had to settle for the princess pinata. She too sad. I think we filled it a little too full for how many kids were there. They all had fun taking a whack at it.

She got ballerina slippers and a little tutu to go with them. She wanted to put them on right there but she had to wait until we got home.

Kynlee and Brynlee with their ballerinas off the cake. We celebrated together this year. They are One year and a day apart. They make great friends.

She got lots of neat presents from her aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpa. She got this BBQ bubble blower from Nana.
Kynlee Babe we love you so much!! You bring so much happiness into our lives. You can bring a smile to my face at any moment. You are so tender and I love how you say "I love you mom." a hundred times a day. You are the smartest little (I mean big) girl ever. You love to learn and play games. We could play all day. You are just so full of life, everything you do you do with such passion. You are a really big help around the house and with Krayden. I love how you are never sleepy but once you close your eyes you don't open them until morning, how you could eat cereal for every meal if I let you, how you love coke coke, how you remember Jo Jo and we have to find her star every night, how you remember what you learn in church. You teach me so much everyday, Thanks for being you. Love mom
I asked Kynlee what her favorite foods were so we could have them for her birthday dinner. Her reply was... Cereal, eggs, corn and steak. So I bet you can guess that we had corn on the cob and steak. I guess we could have had Sunday dinner with cereal and eggs but I don't know if the other family members would enjoy that as much. My mom, Cortney, Jake, Chad, Katie and "baby Emma" came over for dinner. It was a fun time. After dinner we met up with Jer and Hill and their family, and Grandma and Grandpa for a little party. We headed up a little canyon (so it wouldn't be so hot) it was really nice. There were a couple of deer that would come really close. We had a fire and some cake. Kynlee opened her presents and we broke open a pinata. It was really fun. On the way up there we ran out of gas. Our lives are never dull. Sometimes our gas gauge gets stuck and we have to go off of miles. Well we thought we had about 60 or so miles left. We guessed wrong. So thankfully there were some people on four wheelers that had a little extra. About enough to get us home. All in all it was a good day. And the most important thing was that Kynlee had fun. Happy Birthday Kynlee Babe. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I would post a picture of my own boat and with my family in it if we had it here. It is still in Logan in WINTER storage. With it being two days away from being officially summer I need my boat. But this is really the boat we have and we love it. I just want it in my drive way so when Jon got home from work we could take it to the lake if we wanted. (it's only twenty minutes away) I just want to sit in it I would turn the radio on and at least I would be in the boat. My neighbors would think I was really weird but at least I would have it with me where I can see it. Did I mention that I love boating? This is the one thing that makes me last through the winter is the knowledge that each day leads me closer to getting in the sun and going boating. Maybe one we will make a special trip down to Logan to get "two Smooth"

I Almost Forgot

My little baby moved for the first time yesterday (well the first time I could feel it). I almost forgot how happy it makes you feel. Now I find myself stopping what I am doing just to see I can feel it. It's almost like if I don't stop I will miss it. With life being so busy I don't want to miss out on the best parts of being pregnant. I love the little butterflies flying in my tummy and just wish everyone could feel it too. It just makes it seem "so real". I told Kynlee I could feel the baby in my tummy now so it is getting bigger she wanted to look in my belly button so she could see it, how I wish that is the way it works. I get my ultra sound next week, only one other person is allowed in the room with me and no kids. When I found that out I was so sad I was planning on getting a babysitter for Kray Boy and taking Kynlee along with us. She has been so excited to find out what it is. Kray is funny I ask where the baby is and he looks around and shrugs since he can't see the baby then I point to my growing belly and ask "is it in here" he lifts up my shirt, points and says "your button" then he lifts up his shirt and finds his button. It will be interesting on how he reacts to the new little one. I hold my little niece and nephew and he comes over alittle onery with a sour look on his face and says "no baby" if I don't give them back he gets more mad, starts crying and alittle rough. Once I give the baby back to their moms I have to hold Krayden or he is stuck by my side for the next hour just to make sure I don't replace him. Hopefully he out grows this by November.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Sorry again for no pictures we haven't hooked up the computer where we put the pictures yet so I am just using my laptop.

To the father of my children:
I don't think there are words to describe how I feel. He is the best dad ever. He is the one who is always planning the fun things. All his activities are for the kids and what he thinks they will enjoy. Kynlee and Krayden adore him. You should see how they act when he comes home from work, it is just like the song "We're so glad when daddy comes home" they do all the things, they climb all over him they hug and kiss him you would never know that he was just coming home from work you would think he had been gone for at least a month. They both have to call him on the phone at least twice a day just to talk to him. Kynlee keeps him informed of the days activities, what we are going to do and always tells him to come home. Before he leaves for work Kynlee has to give him at least one kiss and hug before he walks out the door. If he leaves before she cries because she did not get to say good bye. He provides the very best for our family. We have a beautiful house that I get to stay home in an be with our children. I could go on and on but I will just end with how much I love him and I am feel very blessed that I got the best husband and father in the world. Jon I love you so much. Thanks for being you. Love me

We had a great day. My dad came down from Logan and Chad and Katie came over for dinner. I love it when Chad comes over we have great desserts. Last night he made home made cinnamon rolls and they were great. I have tried and tried to make them and they never turn out. Now that we are living so close maybe I won't have too. He also made home made french bread which was very good. It was good to be with family. My kids love their Papa and he is such a help with them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I promise that pictures are coming soon!!! Well we did it!! We now live Herriman, UT. (kind of), Jon still is working in Logan, so he drives down on Monday and then either comes back Tuesday or Wednesday night and then leaves again. We moved in our house over Memorial Day weekend. I don't know what it is about moving but my it wears me out. There are still boxes everywhere and if there are not boxes then it is a mess. In this house we have more room but I can't seem to find a place to put all of our stuff. Maybe one day it will look like a cozy home that feels inviting instead of a house that feels and looks like a tornado just had its way with it. We like it here and the ward seems really nice. There are a lot of young families and it seems there are a ton of kids just the right ages. I think the hardest part for me is not knowing where in the heck I am going. If I wanted to find an Olive Garden good luck I wouldn't even know where to start driving. I guess that is the adventure in it all.

Kynlee thinks we are having a girl. She talks to my belly, kisses "her" and I guess "she" talks back. She went to my first doctor appt. here and was able to hear the heart beat. While we were listening she came up to the dr and patted his leg when he looked down at her she had the biggest smile ever and says "it sounds just like a girl" the dr responds "or a little boy" kynlee "ya maybe but it sounds just like a girl" now she tells everyone we are having a girl because she heard it. She is so funny, i try to tell her that no matter what it is we will love it and she agrees but says "i will love a girl more becuase then she can be my best friend." She wants us take the baby to Disneyland so Kynlee and the baby can get there pictures taken with Cinderella because the baby told Kynlee that she loves Cinderella too and that is her favorite princess too. We are going to be in trouble if this little one is a boy. I will find out in three weeks and I will be sure to let everyone know.